Central Building

Iris Building

Gardenia Building

Hortensia Building

Flora Building

Elisa Building

Heated Swimming Pool

Swimming pools

Swimming Pools


Indoor Pool

We're Open for Personal tours

Information contained in this article is valid at the time of publication. We constantly monitor and review our safety protocols in light of the current global health situation. If in doubt, please call.
People that decide to come and live at Ciudad Patricia mainly consider 3 things: not feeling lonely in their senior years, coping with a large villa and garden becomes more and more difficult and of course, the health safety net. Now with the current global health situation has made a lot of people think about their living arrangements, especially the more seniors amongst us.
These things are all taken care of plus other facilities to give you peace of mind.
People living here say that they felt ’safe’ during lockdown, secure in the knowledge that a team of people, including the on-site Doctor, were looking out for them and taking every step possible to keep them safe. Since lockdown has been eased, they are able socialise in the Ciudad Patricia ‘bubble’, adding to a sense of staying safe. Residents are starting once again to socialize in safety with lunches with music, paella day with flamenco show and live music (including and Elvis tribute) to name but a few.
People are asking us if they can visit to take a look at their options for moving to Ciudad Patrica and I’d like to re-assure everyone that we have taken extensive measures and introduced new protocols to do everything we can for a safe visit. We have hand sanitisers throughout the building, we insist on masks and physical distancing, we meet outside on our lovely terrace, and more.
If you’re thinking it’s time to take a look at easier senior living with peace of mind, then call me to arrange your own personalised tour and find out for yourself why so many residents say how glad they are to be living here.